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The Honours Programme is year long academic programme aimed at the most able pupils in year 7 and 8. The course is delivered in a lecture and seminar style approach providing further enrichment opportunities outside of school. The schedule provides subjects and topics of study not typical on the Hurstmere curriculum, which have been specially chosen to stretch and challenge students and to push them outside of their comfort zones. 

A range of skills will be developed throughout the course; these will encourage students to question the world around them, enable students to take risks, work independently and as a team. The topics selected should continue to instil a love for learning whilst raising student aspirations so that they reach their full potential. 

In July students and parents will be invited to a ceremony evening which will see students present on topics of interest and 'graduate' from the Honours Programme. 

Programme of Study from September 2023 - July 2024

Thursday 28 September SGR  Introduction to the Honours Programme
Wednesday 28th September JWI - Yr 7 Overview and Author Presentation
Wednesday 4th October Maths - Yr 7 Origami in Maths
Wednesday 11th October PBO - Yr 7 Is your memory
Wednesday 18th October JPW - Yr 8 The voting system extended
Half Term    
Wednesday 1st November English - Yr 7 Greek Mythology
Wednesday 8th November SWN - Yr 7 Microbits
Wednesday 15th November JWN - Yr 7  The Aspinal Foundation and Captive Breeding
Wednesday 22nd November PBO - Yr 8 Morlas and Ethics in psychology
Wednesday 29th November DB - Yr 7 Block Printing
Wednesday 6th December DB - Yr 7 Block Printing
Wednesday 13th December LM - Yr 7 An intro to Latin
Wednesday 20th December JWN - Yr 8  
Christmas Holiday    
Wednesday 10th January JWI - Yr 7 Journalism
Wednesday 17th January PBO - Yr 7 How to improve memory
Wednesday 24th January JWN - Yr 7 The Aspinal Foundation and Captiv Breeding
Wednesday 31st January Art - Yr 8  
Wednesday 7th February SWN - Yr 7 Microbits
Half Term    
Wednesday 21st February JWI - Yr 7 Dystopia
Wednesday 28th February SWN - Yr 8  Computing and Programming
Wedesday 6th March JMO - Yr 7 Glaciation; types of ice
Wednesday 13th March JPE - Yr 7 The Voting system
Wednesday 20th March JPE - Yr 7 Parliament and Voting
Wednesday 27th March    
Easter Holidays    
Wednesday 17th April JWI - Yr 7 Publishing process
Wednesday 24th April ALT - Yr 7 Spanish food
Wednesday 1st May JMO - Yr 7  
Wednesday 8th May    
Wednesday 15th May    
Wednesday 22nd May JMO - Yr 8 300 Word Essay
Half Term    
Wednesday 5th June JWI - Yr 8  
Wednesday 12th June JMO - Yr 7 Glaciation:Cryosphere Changes
Wednesday 19th June MWT Presentation Skills
Thursday 27th June SGR Begin Presentations
Week Beginning 1st July   ALL HPTs facilitate group presentations
Wednesday 10th July   Student Presentation to Parents, HP teachers, RPS and SLT
Activities week    

High Attainers and the More Able

We aim to achieve a whole school ethos where achieving at a high level is an expectation. We will do this by implementing effective identification and monitoring of our most able pupils on the basis of their academic abilities and potential. This includes:

  • The identification of pupils with particular abilities
  • Developing pedagogy that meet the needs of the more able
  • Procedures for monitoring and evaluating provision and intervention for the most able
  • Information and guidance for all staff to support the more able.


Higher Prior Attainers

High Prior Attainers are students who show great potential to achieve high level outcomes across a range of subjects. Identification of these students begins on entry to Hurstmere School with those who achieved a scaled score of 110+ in English Reading and Maths in Year 6. They will be expected to work in the Mastery band in most or all of their subjects.

Cohort KS2 Prior Attainment Key Elements
Years 7, 8, 9, 10 A mean scaled score of 110+ Mathematics and Reading

During the Induction Days, the new Year 7 cohort sit CAT4 tests. Score of above 128 (top5% nationally) will indicate that a pupil may also be a Higher Attainer, even if their KS2 data suggests otherwise.

More Able

Pupils are recognised as More Able without being a High Prior Attainer. Such learners will show marked aptitude in any curriculum area. This could include:

  • Creative (e.g. aspects of science, design and technology, creative writing)
  • Artistic (e.g. art and music)
  • Practical (e.g. ‘hands on’, technological, vocational)
  • Social (e.g. personal and interpersonal, leadership qualities)

Additionally, other characteristics that could indicate a More Able pupil include:

  • That they are an advanced reader showing an understanding of language beyond his chronological age
  • That they are highly articulate and verbally fluent
  • That they give quick verbal responses to problem solving activities
  • That they communicate to an adult level, showing an interest in topics beyond the curriculum
  • That they show unusual and original responses, and can communicate their opinions and views
  • That they are emotionally sensitive, showing an awareness of others

Teachers can make More Able nominations at the beginning of each year, but will not be able to “un-nominate” any pupil. Continuing the More Able nomination beyond just one year ensures that pupils who have shown a special talent for an area are constantly expected to do well in that area.